8:30am Worship Service, Rite 1
9:30am Bible Study in Griswold Room and via zoom
10:30am Worship Service, Rite 2
10:30am Godly Play
Mission Outreach

Shoreline and Essex Soup Kitchens: Members of the parish contribute their time and effort at local soup kitchens, cooking, serving, and cleaning up. Saint Ann's volunteers every six weeks at St. John's Episcopal Church in Essex, as scheduled by Shoreline Soup Kitchens & Pantries.
The Sewing Ministry: Offering our gifts and the work of our hands, volunteers can be found working at sewing machines, cutting fabric, counting out notions, and sewing by hand. There is wonderful fellowship and spirit in the shared sense of ministry and mission. No super skills required, just a desire to be part of something which serves others. Volunteers give as much time as is comfortable for them, either in communion in the sewing room or at home.

Caribbean Connection: Saint Ann's has had a relationship with the Island of Hispaniola for years. We are involved via scholarships, missionary support, layette ministry, and have hosted Dominican clergy and nuns. Saint Ann’s has sent intergenerational work teams to the Dominican Republic to join in mission work with the churches there. Our interest also includes supporting needs such as schools, wells and food in the bateys (Haitian communities around sugar cane fields), and supporting the Vacation Bible School.

If you have a passion about guiding these ministries and helping to discover new ways of bringing Jesus' love into the wider community, consider becoming involved. Broad parish involvement is highly encouraged.

The Saint Ann's Nearly New Shop is a consignment shop for the resale of clothing and an array of other items like furniture, jewelry, household items, collectibles and linens. Goods are accepted on consignment and as donations. The Nearly New Shop is supervised by a full-time manager and part-time assistant managers. Currently there are 30 volunteers who perform varying duties at the shop.
Mission Statement: The Nearly New Shop is a mission of Saint Ann’s Episcopal Church. It is a retail establishment offering gently used items, received through consignment and donation, for sale to the general public in a welcoming, attractive and secure environment. The goal of the church, staff and volunteers is to use a significant portion of its net income to support the Outreach missions of the church. (Mission Statement approved by the Vestry at its October 14, 2021 meeting.)
Live @Saint Ann’s is an outreach program of Saint Ann’s Episcopal Church created to cultivate fellowship opportunities, encourage creativity and enrich the cultural life of our Shoreline community through the presentation of a broad array of musical programs. This committee is always open to new members with fresh ideas on the musical landscape of our area. Read more on our Musical Performances page.

The Environment Committee launched on May 7, 2020 with 13 participants with great enthusiasm and joy.
There will be three areas of focus for our work: worship, education, and community action.
In the weeks to come look for words of hope about stewardship of creation curated by Tia Smith. Look for ways we can decrease our paper products and look and listen for a greater focus on creation care in our worship, specifically in sermons.
If you are interested in joining the Environment Committee, please contact Mother Anita.
Here are a few of the great resources we are enjoying as a committee:

Sherrill Baldwin's presentation on Recycling
Wild Seed Project video workshop for sowing native seeds NOW for the future
Doug Tallamy "Restoring Nature's Relationships at Home." A reminder about why bugs and caterpillars are so important to pollinators, etc.