8:30am Worship Service, Rite 1
9:30am Bible Study in Griswold Room and via zoom
10:30am Worship Service, Rite 2
10:30am Godly Play
Musical Performances
Past Performances

Saint Ann's was pleased to host the CT Early Music Society
On June 1, we served as the venue for CT Early Music Festival’s opening concert of their 2024 season, the All Bach Program.
They played to a soldout house (140 tickets!!), almost all of whom had never set foot in Saint Ann’s before. Following the standing ovation, all enjoyed a lovely reception provided by CT Early Music.
We hope to host the CTEMF again next season.
Founded in 1982 by a group of early music devotees, the New London-based Connecticut Early Music Society presents an annual festival of between six and nine concerts each June. The term “early music” refers both to a repertory (European music written before about 1800, encompassing medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and early Classical music) and to an approach to performance (“historically-informed performance,” including the use of period instruments). Performers and scholars of early music seek to discover and present music from times past and to explore a repertory of music that is otherwise little known.

Elisabeth von Trapp in Concert
Saint Ann's was delighted to host Elisabeth Von Trapp, who returned for a concert on the evening of Saturday, February 10, 2024. Parishioners and many people from the broader community filled the church. They were enchanted by Elisabeth's mellifluous voice and her performance which included several of her own new compositions and beloved highlights from The Sound of Music; at the end members of the Saint Ann's choir and Anglican Singers joined her onstage for two especially touching pieces. The entire concert was dedicated to Steve Wilson.
Elisabeth then joined us at our 10:30 worship service the next day and sang a beautiful rendition of Make Me a Servant of Thy Peace for communion.
Thanks to all who helped make this concert weekend, including a wonderful reception Saturday evening, such a success.
This was a wonderful way to live into our commitment to Invite, Welcome and Connect!!

Concert by DECODA
An artist-led collective, the only independent ensemble to be recognized as an affiliate ensemble of Carnegie Hall, Decoda will draw from a dynamic continuum of styles and eras to present a creative program of chamber music in this final concert during their week-long residency working with the youth of Groton and Waterford.
Sponsored by Musical Masterworks.
Read more about Decoda here.