8:30am Worship Service, Rite 1
9:30am Bible Study in Griswold Room and via zoom
10:30am Worship Service, Rite 2
10:30am Godly Play
Worship Ministries

Lay Leaders. The term "liturgy" is a transliteration of the Greek word for "the work of the people." While a priest presides at worship services, the inclusion of additional leaders is very important.
Lectors are designated to read the Old Testament (Hebrew Scripture) and Epistle (letters) lessons within the worship services.
Element Bearers are appointed to present the gifts of bread and wine for use at communion which are carried forward during the offertory hymn.
Ushers are often the first people met by each person when they visit Saint Ann’s. They welcome and assist in numerous ways as an outward and visible sign of Jesus’s love as they welcome and assist everyone into our worship services. Ushers greet parishioners and assist them to their seats if desired, bring up the offerings of God’s people to the altar, assist and direct parishioners to receive communion, and straighten up the nave after services.
Chalice Bearers assist the priest with the setting of the altar in the Eucharist service, and with the distribution of the wine for all Eucharist services.
The Choir leads the music ministry at the 10:30am worship service from September through June, as well as quarterly Evensong services. Special works are scheduled for Christmas, Holy Week and Easter. The Choir currently rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7–8:30pm. Read more.
Altar Guild members dress the altar, set the table for all worship services including weddings and funerals, remove and clean linens and vessels after services, arrange flowers for the altar, and order all supplies such as wine, linens, and candles. Altar Guild Members are scheduled according to the service needs of the church by the Altar Guild Directress.
To dedicate altar flowers to a loved one or give thanks for a special event or person, please download the form here. Print, complete and mail in the form to the address given.

The Intercessory Prayer Team
Did you know that Saint Ann’s has an active and devoted Intercessory Prayer Team? This gift from God to the intercessor is to pray with confidence and power on behalf of others. We invite God’s presence to bless, protect and guide others. The requests are confidential and this is one of the precious and unique traits of our prayer group. We pray daily for these people on our list. Anyone can requests prayers, and the intended does not need to be a parishioner of Saint Ann’s. The requests may be for healing, guidance, thanksgivings or whatever the individual needs. The Intercessory prayer list is different from the names printed in the Sunday Order of Service.
Any member of this ministry team would be delighted to talk with you and further explain our mission. We evaluate names on the list every six weeks.
Peace to you all,
Anita Schell, Pat Hames, Margo Valentine, Charlie Potts, Tammy Hinckley, Michael Walker and Liz Zeman
The Prayer Shawl Ministry
Whether they are called "Prayer Shawls", "Comfort Shawls", "Peace Shawls" or "Mantles" just to name a few these light weight blankets are made by knitters in our parish. They create beautiful gifts of prayer that are part of a long tradition in the Judeo Christian faith.
The Jewish prayer shawl is a fringed garment worn by Jewish men on the outside of their regular garments in the synagogue, especially during morning, Sabbath, and other holiday services. The Hebrew name for this prayer shawl is tallit, which simply means "a robe," "a cloak," or "a sheet." The Jewish prayer shawl is usually made of wool or silk and is often long enough to cover most of the body, with special twined and knotted fringes attached to each of its four corners.
The Christian prayer shawl, usually knit, begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient. Intentions are continued or knit in throughout the creation of the shawl. When the shawl is completed it is blessed by Mother Anita and sent on its way to the recipient who will be wrapped in prayer.

Pastoral Care Visitors: The goal of this program is to implement a comprehensive pastoral care program that meets the needs of our church community through educating and training a core group of lay persons to assist the Rector in providing pastoral care, and to maintain an effective system of assisting and responding to the pastoral needs of Saint Ann’s. The responsibilities of this group are visitation of home-bound and hospital-bound individuals, maintenance of a food bank, Eucharistic Ministry, support for individuals experiencing illness in the family, death of a family member or friend, divorce, or other stressful situation. The Pastoral Care group meets in the church on the third Thursday of the month at 11:00am. Team members include: Liz Jacobowitz, Pat Hames, Carolyn Ross, Sharon Tracey, Mac Mummert and Mother Anita. Please contact Mac or Mother Anita with any questions.

Sunday School (Godly Play): At 10:15am, children Pre-K to 5th grade gather for Godly Play. Read more here.
A Confirmation/Reception class is held according to the number of individuals and their availability for education for either a regional confirmation service or joining for the regional service. Please contact Mother Anita with any questions.