8:30am Worship Service, Rite 1
9:30am Bible Study in Griswold Room and via zoom
10:30am Worship Service, Rite 2
10:30am Godly Play
Community Partners Schedule
Weekday Schedule
Sundays at 7pm: Al Anon (GR)
Mondays at 10am: Sunny Train (GR) (seasonal music program ~ birth thru 5 yrs)
Mondays at 11am at Essex Meadows, every week Eucharist or Bible Study
Mondays at 5pm: Bible Study via Zoom only
Tuesdays at 10am: Morning Prayer via Zoom only
Tuesdays at 6:30-8:15pm: NA (GR)
Wednesdays at 3pm: Creation Care Service in Memorial Garden; in church or GR or via Zoom if inclement weather
Thursdays at 9:30am: Community Yoga (GR) – see below for more information
Thursdays at 7-8:30pm: Choir rehearsal in church Sept through June
Fridays at 8:00pm: AA (GR)
Saturday at Noon-1:30pm: ACoA (GR)
Monthly Meetings
Second Monday at 6pm: Vestry (GR and via Zoom)
First Wednesday at 6pm: Mission Committee meeting (GR)
Second Wednesday at 4pm: Environment Committee meeting (GR or via Zoom)
Third Wednesday at 7pm: Building & Grounds Committee meeting (GR)
Community YOGA at Saint Ann's
Thursday Mornings, 9:30 – 10:30am
$10/class, no reservation required
Yoga-With-a-Twist is an all-level, gentle Yoga Class. It is appropriate for first time yoga students and those who have been practicing for some time. The class will include breath work, stretching and moving with intention: to strengthen, improve balance and overall well-being. Chairs will be available for those who do not want to practice on the mat.

Your instructor is Deb Novack. Deb believes that Yoga is for every body, and no matter what your limitations, you will feel an improvement the first time you come to class. Deb is a Hatha-style Yoga Teacher who incorporates meditation and breathing techniques, restorative and yin poses and shapes.
Deb is especially excited about, and experienced in, introducing new people to the healing modality of Yoga and meditation.
Feel free to contact Deb Novack with any questions: or contact the Parish office at Saint Ann's 860-434-1621.